Conceptual positioning for the obesity phenotypes identification at the beginning of pregnancy
adiposity, pregnancy, phenotypes, body mass index, obesity, metabolic syndrome.Abstract
The obesity phenotypes settle down in individuals with equal body mass index that present different metabolic profiles and health prognosis. Its presence from early stages of life increases the probability that women get pregnant with this characteristic, so it is considered necessary to promote a conceptual position for its identification at the beginning of pregnancy. In normal-weight pregnant woman, we propose to use the value of 30% or the 90th percentile of the sum of the triceps and subescapularis skinfold to define obese normal-weight phenotype. Of these, those with values equal to or greater than the 75th percentile of visceral adiposity index and the lipids accumulation product would be considered obese metabolically normal-weight. In obese pregnant woman the use of the criteria that define metabolic syndrome in women, is proposed to identify the metabolic health. The exposed theoretical foundations demonstrate the suitability of stratifying metabolic risk at the beginning of pregnancy by classifying it into obesity phenotypes, through anthropometric, biochemical, and clinical indicators.Downloads
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