Research practice in teachers of Medical Sciences in Cuba
education, research, university teaching, medical education.Abstract
Introduction: The investigative practice corresponds to a systematic exercise that entails the proper and original approach of a contextualized research problem, disciplinary and socially relevant, with theoretical support and whose development is methodologically adjusted to the nature of the phenomenon under study. A search of the investigative practice was carried out in scientific journals of the databases: Scielo, PubMed, Scopus, Redalyc and the Infomed doctoral theses repository of the last 10 years, as well as current regulations for higher education in the course 2022 The keywords used were: education, research, university teaching, medical education and their equivalents in English. Initially, 102 articles were selected. Then, 34 articles that met the inclusion criteria were obtained.Objective: To assess the characteristics of the investigative practice in teachers of medical sciences in Cuba.
Development: Obvious deficiencies regarding the scientific production of teachers have been glimpsed; as well as a few actions that favor its increase. Variables positively related to these tasks were reflected, such as the number of research projects carried out and years worked at the university.
Conclusions: Insufficiencies in the investigative practice of teachers in the field of medical sciences in Cuba are valued, as well as factors involved to take into account for the elaboration and implementation of strategies and models in the field of medical sciences that contribute to promote the research on educators, according to the demands of the country.
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