Lung ultrasound and kerosene aspiration pneumonitis



lung ultrasound, kerosene pneumonitis, respiratory insufficiency.


Introduction: The ingestion of kerosene leads to the appearance of various complications. Given its low viscosity, in the respiratory system, it is capable of reaching the distal airways and causing lung injury, which requires urgent attention. Lung ultrasound, in medical emergencies, is a pillar that has increased diagnostic capacity, guides decision-making and allows stratifying the patient's prognosis.
Objective: To present a patient with chemical pneumonitis due to aspiration of kerosene, its clinical characteristics and pulmonary ultrasound procedure used.
Clinical case: 68-year-old male patient with a history of alcoholism and epilepsy, which undergoes irregular treatment. He attended Emergency with respiratory distress of several days of evolution and the precedent of ingestion of kerosene, with bronchial aspiration. Lung ultrasound was performed, according to the Bedside Lung Ultrasound in Emergency protocol; severe alveolar interstitial syndrome, thickening of the pleural line, subpleural micro-consolidations, and severe loss of pulmonary aeration were observed. Treatment with invasive mechanical ventilation and antibiotic therapy was established; the pulmonary aeration score improved, and the patient recovered.
Conclusions: Acute respiratory failure secondary to chemical pneumonitis due to kerosene is a complex clinical entity in its evaluation; the use of lung ultrasound is a vital tool that allows the lung parenchyma and pleura to be assessed in real time, in order to make timely and precise therapeutic decisions.


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How to Cite

Fong Pantoja L, Dieguez Matamoros EB. Lung ultrasound and kerosene aspiration pneumonitis. Rev Cubana Med Milit [Internet]. 2023 Jan. 1 [cited 2025 Mar. 7];52(1):e02302191. Available from:



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