Emotional exhaustion and psychological well-being in Peruvian Nursing students during COVID-19 post-pandemic
emotional exhaustion, psychological well-being, Nursing students, college, post-pandemic.Abstract
Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic caused a series of repercussions and drastic changes in the mental health of undergraduate students, such as emotional exhaustion, which would have affected their psychological well-being.
Objective: To determine if there is a relationship between emotional exhaustion and the psychological well-being of Nursing students.
Method: The approach was quantitative, the design was non-experimental and the type was descriptive - correlational, cross-sectional. The sample consisted of 184 students to whom the Emotional Fatigue Scale and the Psychological Well-Being Scale for Adults were applied, instruments adapted for students and with adequate levels of validity based on content and reliability. To identify the relationship between the study variables, the Pearson correlation coefficient was applied.
Results: 63% of the students showed moderate levels of emotional exhaustion and 75% had high levels of psychological well-being. On the other hand, an inverse correlation was observed between the variables emotional exhaustion, and psychological well-being (r= -0.267; p< 0.05). Likewise, it was found that women presented higher levels of emotional exhaustion than men.
Conclusions: There is an inverse and significant relationship between emotional exhaustion and the psychological well-being of Nursing students during the post-pandemic.
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